Sunday, June 30, 2024

It's Popular But I Couldn't

                                                 Hello My Readers & Movie Watchers

So what are you reading today? I know this book is popular The Prada Plan By Ashley Antoinette but I just couldn't get into to it not like her other books. I have tried reading this book twice and still could not get passed chapter 3 in this books. Now don't get me wrong I love drama and messy stories but this one just couldn't hold my interest. The story is about a women name Yaya and the troubles she faces  growing up with out parents in foster care. The things she went through and the guy she meets along the way. It sounds like a good story so if you have read it let me know if I should give it a third try or pass. 

                                                               Happy Reading



Monday, June 10, 2024

Book Review Time

                                     Hello My Book Lovers & Movie Watchers

 Happy June and it's book review time again. Today I am talking to you about The Perfect Son by Freida McFadden and the movie Shaft with Samuel L Jackson. Both of these are winners in very different ways.  


If you have books that you would like for me to read and review or movies that are good to watch. Please contact me. I am always looking for good book and movie suggestions

                                                               Happy Reading


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Hot Mess!!!

                                     Hello My Book Lovers and Movie Watchers

Happy June Well here's a Hot Mess for you Head Games By Mary B Morrison. And I don't mean Hot Mess in a good way . This book is all over the place . It jumped way to much the characters  were not believable . The book is about 5 guys who feel their gods gift to women and who make a bet to see how many women they can bed in one months time.  The  winner get 1 million dollars but they must show that they seduced these women and dump them in a public place.  These are grown men who are acing like over sexed teenagers. The story line could have been good but by the first couple of chapters it made no sense at all. I tried  to read this book twice and failed both times. I am sure  Mary Morrison has other good books  to read but Head Games is not one of them. If you have read the book let me know your thoughts on it. 

                                                             Happy Reading