Sunday, July 21, 2024

So Lost

                                         Hello My Book Readers & Movie Watchers

I am so confused when it comes to  The God Series   with T. Styles. Now I have read the  War series she wrote. That was good but The god series with the kids of War was just too much. First the story stared going off on the deep end it didn't make sense. Like the author was rushing to finish a story.  Plus, to many things happing to  many people you had to have a score card to know what was going on at times.  I love T Styles book but the god books are to me personally not that good. Now if you want a good series read the Fold  Or Raunchy by her they were good. What do you think? Have you read the Gods series?

                                                         Happy Reading


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday Review Time

                                           Hello My Book Lover and Movie Watchers

It's Sunday Review time and today it's a good book and movie. The book is Temptations Of Desire by Clarence Nero Now don't let the cover fool you the book is good. The Movie Flawless is also pretty good. here's my thoughts on both.


                                                    Happy Reading